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Ferreira, C., Fernandes, M.E., Figueiredo, E., 2024. Unveiling the Centrality of Knowledge in Stakeholder Involvement Strategies Regarding Public Forest Management. Forests, 15(8), 1471.
Figueiredo, E., Ribeiro, C. & Fernandes M.E., 2024. “Not Even Hell Must Look like This”—Print Media Narratives about the October 2017 Wildfires in Portuguese Public-Managed Forests. Fire, 7(7):236.
Fernandes, E.M., Ferreira, C., Figueiredo, E., 2024. Participatory methods and approaches in the management of Mediterranean forests: a systematic literature review. International Forestry Review, 26(2).
Valente, M., Fernandes, E.M., Pinto, L.M.C., 2024. Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires. Forest Policy and Economics, 163.
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Figueiredo, E., Ribeiro, C., Ferreira, C., Fernandes, E., 2022. Quem colabora na gestão das Matas do Litoral? Uma análise exploratória da rede de agentes. Silva Lusitana, 30(2): 57-85.
Ciccarino, I., Fernandes M.EC., 2023. Stakeholders’ participation for sustainable forest management: a bibliometric review. Em: Atas do X Congresso da APDEA e IV ESADR Territórios, Agriculturas e Agroalimentar: desafios globais e riscos no século XXI, Coimbra, 14 a 16 de setembro 2022, Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária, Lisboa, ISBN: 978-972-8552-08-4 (Online), pp. 729-739.